Friday, September 30, 2011

Everything that's anything.

Everything that's anything. (clipped to


We Lizards run across the street
As we do walk in morning heat
before the humid sun has fallen 
we become its prey.

In lace and magic do I walk 
among the others, in their smocks
of patterns like the countries 
Of diminished , cultured pride. 
Walk alongside 
the beauty of vacation city
 travel in our painted, pretty
 Characters and laughs, the witty
 Of  Walt’s hidden sand. 
I know that it's here somewhere.
But we all are stuck on land. 
Like lizards all across the street. 
We scatter when we hear the feet
of those who up above could give 
Step and 
Crunch !
Our fire dims
And turned
Off is our light
To  shadow- dreams. 

Bereft, it seems, with that 
I give. 
I struggle to decide to live
in dischord with my passion
As passioned magic breeds disdain. 

My vocal chords 
They said enough. 
And now they are but silent, 
Tough, and glued together 
in the rough, the muttled lost of all of us 
The Silent Voices of 
the labor of
Your Dream Come True. 
We live in you. 
We give to you
 A lasting, hopeful piece of us 
With  smiles and 
With  pixie dust
and when the dusk 
finds solace in 
Our Tourist- Trap
 Oh, Scramble do the lot of us 
as lizards do 
To crowded, hot
And empty, gated
 placid homes
We try to press "renew."
It isn't through,
It isn’t just .
We’re now
Defective in our lust
 for Stars
Cuz we once had enough.
Belief and faith in wishing.
We give to you 
what once was ours
That magic. 
Oh, cut one more scar
and maybe, if you wish real hard
We’ll bleed for you some magic car.
We only need 
A little bit.
 Of what we gave.
 delighted bliss.
A wish perhaps
If blown a kiss
Our wounds would heal 
If with that wish 
Return the dreams 
We started with. 
Like lizards,
Stuck inside a ditch.
We hardly dare to move an inch.
Don’t challenge it.
Keep whole the lie.
We aren't seen. 
Until we die. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

It has been a long time. Way too long.

I haven't written in ages. About much of anything. Sure, there have been basic here and there journal entries, but essentially, my mind has been a  blank, wandering canvas of..what? I'm not even entirely certain.
Update on my life?
I don't really know how to do it, considering I haven't been consistently updating and I also don't have a camera or a camera phone anymore.
But it's okay!
I am bound and determined that this week is going to be different.
I am determined to write my life down every day. I need to chronicle this portion of my experience with Disney.
Eventually, I will make it through the muck of details that I have seemingly forgotten.
Until then, I at least have a Rough Draft.
I need to sleep.
Someone force me to ...
because a cranky fairy godmother..
equals an unhappy princess.

In love and pixie dust,