Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Balance...And where to draw the line.

I sit here in my dimly lit kitchen; my fridge quietly humming in the background, and I think to myself :
Right now is a good time to blog.
Granted, it's been a long time since I really sat down and blogged, and I was only persistent on this particular site a few times.
Nontheless, I feel that it is  time. 
The topic of discussion this evening?
The concept is simple. 
The execution, however, alludes many of us on a daily basis.  
 In this constantly changing series of events we call our lives, it seems that one particular event, idea, or circumstance continues to take precedence in ways that disrupt the pattern of balance that so many of us desperately seek. 
A lack of balance can manifest itself in many ways. 
For the growing child, it could be too many video games and not enough sleep. 
For the adolescent, perhaps it's too many extracurriculars and not enough time to study. 
For the business woman/man, the meetings are long and the drive home is longer. 
And for the soccer-mom of three,it could be a lack of self preservation taken in the form of her family and their demanding schedule.  
So she puts off her manicure. 
Her own needs can wait. 
After all, sometimes there just isn;t 

That's what it really boils down to- 
we fill our lives with 
remedial productivity 
that ,in the end, will only merge into  other
    •  tasks and
    •  meetings and
    •  bullet points;

The checklists that we throw away at  the end of every day. 
Or we stash them somewhere and a few days later give them no second thought. Because chances are, we have created an entirely new list of things that we must accomplish, and while it no doubt contains some of the same "To Do" list elements that never really get off the paper, this set of checkmarks no longer matter. 
Our mindset has already moved on. 
To another time. Another place .
Another bank deposit. 
A different workout. 
A new week of groceries, or a higher utility bill, or an exam in a class that we didn't have last quarter. 
Everything is circular. And yet time is relative. 
Because we spend our entire lives trying to 
get everything done...
 so that we have time to spend doing 
the things we  love.
That is  the irony of living itself..
 the things that we love..
Rarely even end up on the list. 


Without it, our lives will pass us by, and we will end up with nothing but a stack of
 Repurposed tasks on lists that we
 never finished. 

So think about it...
What penetrated your life today that kept you from doing something 
that you love?
And how can you eliminate it for tomorrow?

" Yesterday has gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. Let us Begin."
-Mother Theresa

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